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Seeing the Signs: Suicide Prevention in Humboldt County is a documentary following two stories about surviving suicide and living with the loss of a loved one to suicide. Lea Nagy of NAMI Humboldt and Dr. Virgil Moorehead Jr. of Two Feathers Native American Family Services talk about ways to spot suicidal behavior and how to address it. Suicide is preventable. If you or someone you know needs help, text or dial 988. Help is available 24 hours a day.


Once you have seen the documentary we ask that you please fill out the survey here.  As part of our work in presenting community events, we send out surveys. Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey for us.


***Please Note: We experienced a couple of technical issues during the live broadcast. ***

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Seeing the Signs: Suicide Prevention in the Mattole Valley

Footage for this short was gathered while making Seeing the Signs: Suicide Prevention in Humboldt County. While this footage didn't make the final cut, we still believe that the information is important to suicide prevention in Humboldt County. 

You can watch that as well as listen to the panel on our YouTube Page. You can watch the full Seeing the Signs: Suicide Prevention in Humboldt County as well. 
This is a screening and discussion. Once you watch if you could please fill out the survey in the description. 


Local Resources


Outreach Program (East County)

Hoopa Tribal Offices/UIHS Arcata

707 752-1910 Tracy Marshall, LCSW

Nation’s Finest (transitional housing)

707 269-7500

109 4th St.

Eureka, CA 95501

Eureka VA Clinic

707 269-7500

930 W. Harris St.

Eureka, CA 95501

Humboldt Veteran Service Office (VSO)

707 445-7611

1105 6th St.

Eureka, CA 95501

Redwood Vet Center (combat Veterans)

707 444-8271

2830 G. St.

Eureka, CA 95501

Trainings, Meetings, and More Resources

Alternatives to Suicide - Mondays from 6:00-7:30pm

"Alternatives to Suicide is a confidential peer support group that is open to anyone who has ever thought about killing themselves. We are self-led, non-clinical, and do not report out of the mutually held space that we create for one another."

Contact for more info.

Living Works - Suicide Prevention Training

Free Self paced online training for individuals, families and organizations in Humboldt.

Email: to request a training or Learn More

Recursos para la prevención del suicidio y la violencia

Descargar .pdf con recursos locales enumerados

988 FAQ

"Full 988 implementation requires a bold vision for a crisis care system that provides direct, life-saving services to all in need. This leads to many questions about 988. We at SAMHSA welcome these questions."

Suicide and Violence Prevention Resources for Service Providers

Download .pdf with local resources listed

More Resources